pulse+ ©

Pulse+© is the core engine for our software product line. Pulse+ © has been used by major airlines, cargo airlines, businesses, churches, non-profit organizations and others to build intuitive, world class database collection and analysis tools. These tools are also used to create web sites for the collection and reporting of that data.

  • Password protected data
  • Accessible anywhere
  • Easy to use
  • Flexible
  • Responsive
  • Dynamic
  • Powerful
  • Cross Platform
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featured product - Pulse+©

Simplified Data Input Data organization and collection of complicated data abstracts is sometimes difficult for users. At BRZ, we work closely with users and administrators to insure the data collected is relative to the appropriate user and process, is easy to input, and is organized in a manner that makes items easy to find. In our time critical world, rapid, but accurate, data collection is imperative for operational efficiency. We strive to collect only pertinent data in the most efficient manner possible and provide real time results to managers and users alike. Our new data input wizard simplifies the process even more while providing immediate interactive help for all entry pages.

Built in Reporting Reporting at the operational level is typically difficult and can require an in-depth knowledge of data structures coupled with an external program to produce reports. Pulse+© has built in reporting with interactive graphs that present a macro view which may be drilled down all the way to the individual reports that produced the graphs. The simplified report specifications form allows drop-down access, radio button selection of all fields input. This provides an extremely powerful, flexible and easy to use ad hoc report generator. No external program is required to produce graphical data comparisons and analysis.

However, data is collected into an SQL database, so direct access to the data can be easily provided.

Currently Pulse+© supports MySql© 5 and greater, Oracle® 9 and greater and Microsoft® SQL Server©. This flexibility allows Pulse+© to easily adapt to the client's existing databases or be completely independent as required.

Pulse+© provides an extremely flexible web-based data collection engine and analysis tool that has security, flexibility, power, and expandability which allow process improvement, risk reduction, and instantaneous access to real-time reporting and analysis.
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Dynamically Generated Pages Pulse+ © dynamically generates all screens from our database, based on user role, assigned division/workgroup, and specifically assigned capabilities.

User Familarity Our system presents screens in a manner similar to all web sites, with validated entry, drop-down selections, checkboxes, etc. to simplify input and provide instant acceptance with very little or no training.

New Technologies

Latest Web Servers Our system is a web-based technology and has been successfully tested with the latest version Windows® IIS © Web Server 7.5 as well as the latest version of Apache ® based web servers.

New Technology With Legacy Support While our technology is leading edge, we also ensure support on older versions from IIS 5.5 © and older versions of Apache®


Only Web Browser Required Integration into existing operating systems is simple, nothing required on client machines except a web browser. We currently support Internet Explorer®, Firefox®, and Safari®. If your company uses other browsers, just let us know and we can accommodate it.

Database Integration Pulse+ © supports MySQL© 5+, Oracle 9®+, and SQL Server® 2005+.