
Aviation Based 'Triple Bottom Line' Business Approach

BRZ, Inc. believes that future success in the global aviation market will require all airspace users to embrace an aviation-focused derivative of the 'Triple Bottom Line (TBL)' accounting concept. Today's global business world is focused on achieving 'sustainability' by finding the proper balance between planet (resource use), people (innovation), and profit (retained earnings).

Termed 'Triple Bottom Line', this approach attempts to measure how to maximize each area without overly burdening or exhausting the others. BRZ, Inc. has embraced a strategy that concentrates on the 'People' component of TBL believing error and risk management training coupled with a robust data collection and analysis capability are the key components in maximizing human performance and innovation.

By coupling our innovative 'Applied Resource Management (ARM)' training program with our PULSE+© Data Collection and Analysis product, our customers can gain the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) necessary to successfully employ this 'closed loop' proactive management approach to achieve corporate sustainability.
